RKD GroupThinkers Blog

Jarred Schremmer and Tim Kachuriak think about Gen X’s digital divide

Written by RKD Group | Jul 20, 2021 7:03:49 PM

Often overshadowed by their Baby Boomer and Millennial counterparts, Generation X is used to being overlooked – both in their day-to-day lives and by nonprofit organizations. But thanks to some research we commissioned to gather much-needed insights into Gen X, we can safely say that these latchkey kids are poised to make a big splash in charitable giving in the coming decades.

We shared our findings in our latest eBook, “Don’t You Forget About Me: The Nonprofit Marketer’s Guide to Generation X.” But we couldn’t stop there. Over the next few weeks, we’re diving deeper into conversations with thought leaders across the industry on different aspects of the research.

In our first episode, we sit down with RKD Group VP of Strategy and Digital Media Jarred Schremmer and NextAfter Chief Innovation & Optimization Officer Tim Kachuriak to discuss the digital divide found within Gen X.

Gen X’s digital divide

The crazy thing about Generation X is that they actually act as two generations in one. This divide just so happens to reflect the rise of digital technology.

  • Older Gen X: Born 1965 – 1973
  • Younger Gen X: Born 1974 – 1983

Older Gen X made it to adulthood in a mostly analog world. Younger Gen Xers’ defining adolescent years coincided with the rise of home computers and the internet.

As we all know, the advancement of digital technology has had a tremendous impact on all of our lives. And Gen X is no different. This split impacts behaviors, attitudes and the manner in which nonprofits need to market to them.

To better understand this digital divide, we sat down with two authorities on digital fundraising – who just so happen to be proud members of Gen X themselves.

What to think about

  • How nonprofits can strategically market to and nurture Gen X donors
  • The role digital channels play in engaging Gen X
  • Why targeting Older and Younger Gen Xers needs to look different

Meet our guests

Jarred Schremmer

RKD Group

VP, Strategy and Digital Media

“Something like 95% of Gen Xers are on Facebook, and they’re spending three-plus hours a day on their mobile devices. So, when organizations have thought they’re going after Millennials with some of their strategies, they’re actually reaching Gen Xers … So how much more effective could it be if we’re actually thinking about the right audience when we’re implementing some of these strategies?”

Tim Kachuriak


Chief Innovation & Optimization Officer

“It’s giving them different calls to action in the ways that they can actually engage. With the Older Gen Xers and the Boomers, we find that they tend to be people that are interested in engaging their mind … With the younger people, it’s a different call to action. It’s more an advocacy or activist type of role.”

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Groupthinkers is the podcast for nonprofit marketers by RKD Group. This is a must-listen experience of thought-provoking content that inspires insight on the industry and strategic decisions. Groupthinkers brings together innovators and curators in nonprofit marketing, branding and direct response to tackle the major issues facing nonprofits today. Be sure to tune in for Season 6, as we drop new episodes over the next few weeks.