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International Women's Day: Celebrating Female Leadership

In honor of International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the exemplary group of female leadership at RKD Group.

We are proud to say that women make up 43% of leadership roles at RKD, and much of our success can be attributed to their dedication, guidance, and expertise.

We took a moment to sit down with some of our colleagues and discuss the impact these women have on our organization. Everyone had such wonderful things to say, we had to share!

Amanda Wasson


Amanda Wasson in one word: Determined. As our Senior Vice President of Digital Strategy, Amanda is the fearless leader of the RKD Group digital team. She has built a team of digital direct response experts. Her dedication, insight, and support are just a few things that make her an inspirational leader.

“Without her, our digital team wouldn’t be where it is today – an amazing team of digital experts and growing client base.”

– Jarred Schremmer, VP Digital & Media Strategy
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Robin Riggs

RobinRiggs_Color-e1503436956820Creative is not just her title but her approach to work and life. Robin Riggs, RKD Group’s Chief Creative Officer is a bridge between analytics to creative and helps our clients view donor behavior in a new light. Colleagues and clients appreciate her contagious enthusiasm towards any new challenge. Her ability to put ideas to words has moved untold numbers of donors to give to and engage with worthy causes.

“Robin brings years and years of experience and creativity to RKD, clients and her coworkers.”

– Andrew Laudano, Vice President of Client Services Connect with Robin on LinkedIn

Kristen McCool

Kristen_2320_squareIf you look up the word dedicated in the dictionary, you will see Kristen McCool. Vice President of Client Services, Kristen is a direct mail data guru and champion of client strategy. Her colleagues are inspired by her allegiance to exceeding client goals, her collaborative attitude and more importantly, her strong belief in her client’s mission. How we would describe her work ethic? Endless.

Kristen is the ultimate team player; she makes sacrifices for the betterment of our clients and company.

– Stephanie Haddix, Account Director

Connect with Kristen on LinkedIn

Jenn Thompson

Jenn_2302-e1503337996989Her staff has one word for her mind: Brilliant! Vice President of Digital, Jenn Thompson is known for dedication to every project, no matter how small, while keeping client best interests in mind. Working with Jenn you're destined for growth. She provides her staff and everyone on the digital team with an opportunity to learn at every corner.

"We appreciate her tireless work efforts to help our clients fulfill their missions. Her dedication helps to feed hundreds of millions of people, and find homes for millions of pets.

– Ioannis Saratsis, Sr. Digital Account Manager

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Valerie Jones

Valerie_JonesPassion takes a whole new meaning with RKD Group’s Vice President of Production. Valerie is a favorite among her colleagues because of her vast knowledge and availability to answer questions. Her dependability and willingness to help makes her department a garden for professional growth and invaluable to our leadership team.

We appreciate her professionalism, dependability, dedication and integrity; she goes beyond the call of duty.

– Patty Canales, Production Manager

Connect with Valerie on LinkedIn

Ann Dunn

ann1-e1503337977229Candid is what RKD clients are looking for and exactly what they get from Senior Vice President Ann Dunn. Her honesty and commitment to client success is something we can all strive for. A nonprofit food bank fundraising expert, Ann will go above and beyond to get things done.

RKD wouldn’t be the same without Ann. Because of her passion, commitment and dedication, we are able to help our clients fulfill their mission.

– Laura Claus, Account Director

Connect with Ann on LinkedIn

Anne Wiman

Anne_WimanAnne Wiman in one word: poised. RKD Group’s Vice President of List Services builds data strategy plans that consistently give our clients a solid platform for fundraising. She’s essential to our operation. Anne’s strong leadership and nurturing abilities allow her to accomplish client and departmental goals, while supporting her team to do the best job possible. She makes RKD list services a valuable and integral part of every client’s direct mail acquisition strategy.

The success of an acquisition rests with the lists we pull for them, and with her guidance, we are able to execute those list strategies to ensure success.

– David Lusk, Senior Account Executive

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Kim Takkunen

kim1-e1503337787591Strategy pro is one of the many reasons RKD appreciates her presence. Vice President, Kim Takkunen is dedicated to client success. Clients can always expect a quick response from Kim.

She is fantastic to work with!

– Heather Hejl, Account Director

Connect with Kim on LinkedIn

Lisa Jones Rossi

lisajr1-e1503337733478Attention to detail, a skill many can try their best at, but don’t possess as much as Lisa Jones Rossi, Vice President. It’s known around the office that she could double as a proofer, known to cross every ‘t’ and dot every ‘i’. Her department admires her extensive animal welfare industry knowledge and how she’s always available to lend this to any client strategy.

She is dedicated, always willing to share and help me grow.

– Trish Roe, Inside Sales

Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn 

Beth Kumm

beth1-e1503337692246Two words used to describe Vice President of Production Services, Beth Kumm: consummate professional. An expert at lettershop operations, Beth has a real knack for explaining very complex processes in a way that makes it all seem easy. She is respected at RKD for her honest feedback and being able to add fun to the workplace.

Beth keeps this place on even footing and we are extremely lucky to have her on our team.

– Val Middleton, Production Coordinator

Connect with Beth on LinkedInWe have a number of women at all levels of the organization to celebrate today. They ensure our operations run smoothly, promote the growth of our team and demonstrate a dedication to our client’s missions. These ladies achieve breakthroughs never thought possible™.

Our appreciation for this amazing group of women is best said by our CEO, Tim Kersten:

“I am proud to call these incredibly accomplished women my esteemed colleagues,” says RKD Group CEO Tim Kersten.  “Their influential role as leaders in RKD Group reflects my personal commitment as CEO to finding the very top talent to serve our clients.  To succeed, RKD Group must have a wide diversity of perspectives to bring to bear on solving our clients’ challenges.  These women bring those perspectives every day and I am deeply grateful for their dedication, professionalism, and commitment to achieving for our client’s breakthroughs never thought possible.”

– Tim Kersten, CEO


RKD Group

RKD Group is North America's leading fundraising and marketing services provider to hundreds of nonprofit organizations, including hospitals, social service, disease research, animal welfare, rescue missions, and faith-based charities. RKD Group’s omnichannel approach leverages technology, advanced data science and award-winning strategic and creative leadership to accelerate net revenue growth, build long-term donor relationships and drive online and offline engagements and donations. With a growing team of professionals, RKD Group creates breakthroughs never thought possible.

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