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Enhancing food bank fundraising with audience-first approaches

With more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit fundraising, I understan...

By |   Trends Food Banks
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Rossi’s Roundup: What drives the heart, thanking donors, and scratch & sniff stamps

The second quarter of this year will be closing in a few weeks, and most ev...

By |   Trends Nonprofit Industry
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2023 Animal Welfare Benchmarks: A shift in mindset

RKD just released our 2023 Animal Welfare Benchmark Report. Each year, this...

By |   Trends Animal Care
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2023 Food Bank Benchmarks: It’s time for dynamic donor journeys, digital expansion and more

RKD’s 2023 Food Bank Benchmarks are in.

By |   Trends Food Banks
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Bot or not: Can you tell if fundraising copy was written by ChatGPT?

By |   Trends Creative
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4 things that will shape nonprofit marketing and fundraising in 2023

This is a safe place—a place where I can be honest, right? I have no idea w...

By |   Trends Nonprofit Industry Data & Analytics
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Joey Zumaya thinks about LinkedIn’s benefits for nonprofits

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By |   Podcast Trends Social Media
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Pat Duffy thinks about cryptocurrency’s role in charitable giving

Over the last two years, nonprofits have seen digital marketing and fundrai...

By |   Podcast Trends Digital Fundraising
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Our 2021 food bank benchmarks are here!

As many organizations already know, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in expon...

By |   Trends Fundraising Food Banks
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The 2021 animal welfare benchmarks have arrived!

Like many other nonprofits, animal welfare organizations have had to adapt ...

By |   Trends Fundraising Animal Care

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