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Rossi’s Roundup: Giving USA, economic data and a camera for scents

The dog days of summer have arrived with their heat, and once again we’ll s...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: What drives the heart, thanking donors, and scratch & sniff stamps

The second quarter of this year will be closing in a few weeks, and most ev...

By |   Trends Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: Grouchy sheep, benchmarks, digital reports and DAF

When was the last time you evaluated your donor engagement strategies and s...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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If nonprofits want to accelerate growth, we have to shift our thinking

The landscape of nonprofit fundraising is currently undergoing a radical tr...

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry Data & Analytics
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Rossi’s Roundup: Positive forecast for philanthropy is a breath of fresh air

I hope you are as thrilled as everyone who has seen or read the forecasted ...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Harnessing corporate giving in today's fundraising landscape

The fundraising landscape is constantly evolving.

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: Giving with purpose, DAF research and some spring cleaning

Congratulations on making it through the leap day, celebrating Facebook's 2...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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I’m done quitting. Let’s chart a new course forward.

Last summer, I made a pretty bold statement. I declared—to the full nonprof...

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: A reminder that philanthropy is not about money

It’s been a rather confusing month as our news feeds have been filled with ...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: Welcome 2024! Hey 2023 … don't let the door slam on your way out.

I find it hard to believe we’ve crossed the threshold, but, hey, Happy New ...

By |   Nonprofit Industry

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