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Embrace, then shift: Focus on trust before building relationships

A few months ago, I wrote an op-ed for The NonProfit Times declaring that “...

By |   Donor Retention Fundraising Leadership Nonprofit Industry Stewardship
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How to transform your newsletters to be donor-centric

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on crafting stories arou...

By |   Donor Retention Direct Mail Fundraising Fundraising Creative
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How to craft stories around your content

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on crafting stories arou...

By |   Digital Fundraising Donor Retention Direct Mail Fundraising Fundraising Creative
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Developing inclusive and effective messaging for your fundraising program

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on incorporating DEI pri...

By |   Donor Retention Direct Mail Fundraising Email Creative
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Plug the leaks: 5 ways to improve first-year donor retention

Stop me if this sounds familiar: Your nonprofit organization is having trou...

By |   Donor Retention Stewardship
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Peer-to-peer texting: A new way to reach donors

We’ve all gotten one of those annoying political texts that urge you to vot...

By |   Digital Fundraising Donor Retention
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The secret to retaining digital donors after year-end season

Congrats, you made it through another year-end fundraising season! Go ahead...

By |   Digital Fundraising Donor Retention Year-End Giving
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Better digital fundraising starts with crafting a better online experience

Digital fundraising is complicated.

By |   Digital Fundraising Donor Retention
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How exactly do we build a fundraising program that drives stronger relationships?

Donor retention is always a hot topic in the nonprofit fundraising space. C...

By |   Donor Retention Fundraising Stewardship
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How can nonprofits transform giving from a moment into a mission?

Water is our most precious resource. A necessity for life, no matter where ...

By |   Donor Retention Stewardship

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