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Citygate 2024: Talent, tools and technology

Did you miss the news at Citygate 2024 and want to catch up? Check it out h...

By |   Conferences Fundraising Leadership RKD Creative Technology
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If nonprofits want to accelerate growth, we have to shift our thinking

The landscape of nonprofit fundraising is currently undergoing a radical tr...

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry Data & Analytics
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Harnessing corporate giving in today's fundraising landscape

The fundraising landscape is constantly evolving.

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry
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I’m done quitting. Let’s chart a new course forward.

Last summer, I made a pretty bold statement. I declared—to the full nonprof...

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry
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Glossary of terms that every nonprofit fundraiser needs to know

Working in the nonprofit sector is rewarding and fulfilling, but just like ...

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AI tools you can use to boost your fundraising

Vice President of Technology Charles Lehosit shared tips for using AI tools...

By |   Optimization Digital Fundraising Strategy Fundraising
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Embrace, then shift: Focus on trust before building relationships

A few months ago, I wrote an op-ed for The NonProfit Times declaring that “...

By |   Donor Retention Fundraising Leadership Nonprofit Industry Stewardship
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How to transform your newsletters to be donor-centric

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on crafting stories arou...

By |   Donor Retention Direct Mail Fundraising Fundraising Creative
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Rossi’s Roundup: Don’t forget about DAF donors in your year-end appeals

Thank you. A sincere thank you to those nonprofit organizations that took a...

By |   Fundraising Nonprofit Industry Donor-Advised Funds
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How to craft stories around your content

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on crafting stories arou...

By |   Digital Fundraising Donor Retention Direct Mail Fundraising Fundraising Creative

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