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New research: What drives people to donate to animal welfare organizations

Understanding donor motivations is crucial for effective nonprofit fundrais...

By |   Fundraising Animal Care
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Meet Alisa Gray from Kentucky Humane Society

Alisa Gray is the President and CEO of Kentucky Humane Society. Alisa has a...

By |   Podcast Animal Care
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Meet Kelley Likes from Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region

Kelley Likes is the Vice President of Philanthropy at the Humane Society of...

By |   Podcast Animal Care
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Email hygiene checklist: 4 tips for animal welfare organizations

In our 2023 Q3 benchmarks, we shared that animal welfare organizations must...

By |   Email Animal Care
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2023 wrapped: Animal welfare orgs feeling a strain in operations

Economic conditions have put a strain on animal welfare operations this yea...

By |   Animal Care
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3 animal welfare organizations utilizing a strong digital foundation

With a rise in digital fundraising and younger generations favoring online ...

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A strong digital foundation is a must for animal welfare organizations

The future is digital.

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Major donors: 3 animal welfare organizations that are getting it right

Animal welfare organizations are going through a transformative time in the...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Stewardship Animal Care
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4 strategies animal welfare orgs can use to reach new major donor audiences

Our recent Q1 animal welfare benchmarks revealed that organizations are con...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Animal Care
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2023 Q1 animal welfare benchmarks: A steady path for growth

Our full-year benchmarks revealed that animal welfare organizations are str...

By |   Animal Care

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