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New research: What drives people to donate to missions

Understanding donor motivations is at the heart of effective fundraising st...

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Meet Jane McGrath from American Bible Society

Jane McGrath is the Director of Digital Transformation and Partnerships at ...

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Cracking the code: The science behind optimal touchpoints for unbeatable impact

How frequently should I be communicating with my donors?

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2023 wrapped: Rescue missions see bright spots as they close out the year

Economic hardship has put a strain on many nonprofits—rescue missions and l...

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Unlocking digital growth: How 3 rescue missions are setting the bar

Building a strong digital foundation for your rescue mission is essential f...

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How rescue missions can unlock their digital potential

In today’s digital age, the ways in which rescue missions reach out, engage...

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How 3 faith-based organizations are dealing with religious decline in the U.S.

Recently, my colleague Duke Smith published a blog discussing the decline i...

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3 ways rescue missions are building better donor journeys

Recently, my colleague Glenn McKinney discussed how rescue missions need to...

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It’s time for missions to rethink donor journeys

What journey do you take your donors on? Is it different based on the audie...

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2023 Q1 rescue mission benchmarks: Revenue stabilizes as donor values rise

Our full-year benchmarks revealed that rescue missions saw strong revenue n...

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