Branding and social media: A perfect match for nonprofits
Branding is more than just a logo.
A fair warning: We’re about to get a bit technical.
Direct mail acquisition has faced a bumpy road over the last several years.
Branding is more than just a logo.
By Julia Patterson | Digital Fundraising Social Media Health & Hospitals Humanitarian ActionNonprofits across all sectors—from health and hospitals to animal welfare a...
By Renee Falconer | Donor-Advised Funds Health & HospitalsAs someone deeply involved in nonprofit fundraising, I’ve seen firsthand th...
By Lianne Raices | Health & HospitalsThe current fundraising landscape has brought a major pain point for many n...
By Stephanie Kirk | Acquisition Health & HospitalsJulie Puzzo is the Chief Development Officer at American Kidney Fund. For m...
By RKD Group | Podcast Health & HospitalsHealth and disease organizations are committed to providing care, treatment...
By Chris Weiland | Health & HospitalsWe like to say that websites act as the virtual front door to your cause, w...
By Jarred Schremmer | Health & HospitalsMid-level giving is an area of untapped potential for most nonprofits, but ...
By Stephanie Kirk | Mid-Major Donors Health & HospitalsTwelve years ago, I received a postcard from a nonprofit I recognized that ...
By Lianne Raices | Events Health & HospitalsGrateful patient programs are an important source of new donors for many ho...
By Cara Marinelli | Strategy Health & HospitalsRKD Group is a leading fundraising and marketing provider to hundreds of nonprofit organizations. We have a team of experts with deep skill sets in direct response marketing. 1 800 222 6070 Privacy policy
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