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Enhancing food bank fundraising with audience-first approaches

With more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit fundraising, I understan...

By |   Trends Food Banks
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New research uncovers mindsets, motivations for food bank donors

In the last four years, the food bank donor demographics have drastically c...

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Meet Elizabeth Romano from Food Bank for New York City

Elizabeth Romano is the Sr. Director of Operations and Food Procurement at ...

By |   Podcast Food Banks
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Does your food bank have a learning agenda?

We’ve heard the story before: Food banks are still coming off “the COVID hi...

By |   Food Banks
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2023 wrapped: Food bank results stabilize as we close out the year

2023 was a challenging year for nonprofits—including food banks.

By |   Food Banks
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Has your food bank reached its digital tipping point?

Let’s think back to 2020.

By |   Digital Fundraising Food Banks
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Ease the pressure: 4 tactics food banks can implement for year-end giving

We know everyone is getting tired of hearing about COVID. However, its impa...

By |   Food Banks
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3 examples of how food banks are incorporating micro campaigns

Recently, I discussed what micro campaigns are and why food banks should us...

By |   Food Banks
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What are micro campaigns, and why should your food bank use them?

Your food bank likely already has a robust communication plan for the year,...

By |   Digital Fundraising Food Banks
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2023 Q1 food bank benchmarks: Building a new normal

Food banks closed out 2022 on a strong note, with active donors and revenue...

By |   Food Banks

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