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The art and science of naming mid-level donor programs

In the nonprofit fundraising world, the topic of naming conventions for mid...

By |   Mid-Major Donors
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Major donors: 3 animal welfare organizations that are getting it right

Animal welfare organizations are going through a transformative time in the...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Stewardship Animal Welfare
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Help your hospital’s mid-level program reach its full potential

Mid-level giving is an area of untapped potential for most nonprofits, but ...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Hospital
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4 strategies animal welfare orgs can use to reach new major donor audiences

Our recent Q1 animal welfare benchmarks revealed that organizations are con...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Animal Welfare
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How modeling and corporate partnerships can take your mission’s major donor pipeline to new heights

In my most recent blog on major donor pipeline growth, I shared how rescue ...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Faith
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How rescue missions can spur major donor pipeline growth

A few years ago, we wrote about how a decline in religion was impacting cha...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Faith
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Major donors are researching you! Do you pass the ‘headline test’?

Does your nonprofit pass the headline test?

By |   Mid-Major Donors
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Meeting with a major donor and getting what you want

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on meeting with a major ...

By |   Mid-Major Donors
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Take these steps to structure a successful mid-major program

Understanding how to communicate effectively is essential to building meani...

By |   Mid-Major Donors
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3 elements to meaningful mid-major donor relationships

I always like to say that Major Gift Officers have one of the most fun job ...

By |   Mid-Major Donors

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