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More than a name: How to define your nonprofit’s brand

Missed our recent Fundraising Refreshments webinar on defining your nonprofit’s brand? Watch it here: 

Many local and regional nonprofits—especially food banks, animal welfare organizations and rescue missions—are experiencing a phase of growth and maturation in the services they provide to their communities. Because of this, some are asking themselves a fundamental question: Does our name still fit us and our mission? 

What’s in a brand?  

Brand Graphic

It’s easy to get caught up in names, logos, slogans and colors when thinking about branding. And while those play a role, your nonprofit’s brand is so much more than that.  

A brand is an intangible concept that defines you, and it’s critical to shaping people’s perception of your cause. What you view your brand as may vary drastically from how your community views the work that you do.  

Because of this, it’s important to pause and assess where you stand within the community you serve before deciding whether to rebrand. 

How to decide whether a rebrand is right for you 

A rebrand is more than just changing your name. There’s a lot of work that goes into it, so start by asking yourselves three questions:

1. Does your current brand define you? Is your brand in line with your mission? Does it encompass all the services you provide?  

2. Has your mission changed or expanded? Take food banks as an example. What started as an organization focused on providing meals to those in need has grown into a hub for nutritional education efforts, community health initiatives and so much more. So, while the mission may have evolved, it’s still tied to providing hunger relief to those in need.  

3. How much equity does your brand have? For nonprofits, this is perhaps the most important question. How much trust and respect has your current brand built up within your community? What do they know about the work you do? If you’re a trusted household name, a rebrand could have a negative impact on the way your volunteers, donors and constituents view you.  

Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida recently assessed whether it was time for a rebrand. Instead of opting to change their name, they embarked on a brand awareness campaign to educate the community on all the services their organization now provides.  

Is your organization in a similar boat? Hear Maria Shanley share how the food bank navigated this journey in our webinar recording above.  

Stacy Sovereign

Stacy has worked in nonprofit direct response for more than eight years. Leaning on data-driven strategies and her experience serving regional nonprofits, she leads planning and strategic efforts for her food bank clients.

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