3 more ways to get creative with digital campaigns
I recently shared some examples of micro campaigns that we executed for sev...
Before making RKD Group my home, I spent my career in the nonprofit sector. That included leading marketing and annual giving at the University of Conne[...]
Charitable giving doesn’t happen in a single experience—with a few rare exceptions.
I recently shared some examples of micro campaigns that we executed for sev...
By Jessica Simon | Digital Fundraising Food BanksRecently, I discussed what micro campaigns are and why food banks should us...
By Jessica Simon | Food BanksYour food bank likely already has a robust communication plan for the year,...
By Jessica Simon | Digital Fundraising Food BanksIf you’ve been involved in email marketing for any small amount of time, yo...
By Jessica Simon | Digital FundraisingRKD Group is a leading fundraising and marketing provider to hundreds of nonprofit organizations. We have a team of experts with deep skill sets in direct response marketing.
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