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Religion is declining in the US: Here’s what that means for faith-based nonprofits

Three years ago, we shared how changing attitudes toward religion were impa...

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How modeling and corporate partnerships can take your mission’s major donor pipeline to new heights

In my most recent blog on major donor pipeline growth, I shared how rescue ...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Missions
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How rescue missions can spur major donor pipeline growth

A few years ago, we wrote about how a decline in religion was impacting cha...

By |   Mid-Major Donors Missions
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2023 Rescue Mission Benchmarks: Revenue holds strong, donor volume softens

By now, you’ve probably had a chance to review our 2023 Rescue Mission Benc...

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It's time for missions to focus on content as much as offer

We’ve written before about how rescue missions are transforming their brand...

By |   Missions Creative
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Rescue mission donors are changing, and these charts prove it

How much do you know about rescue mission donors? Well, depending on when y...

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The 2021 rescue mission benchmarks are in!

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed rescue missions in many ways...

By |   Trends Fundraising Missions
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Life transformation ministries must change to meet today’s donors

I wrote recently about how life transformation ministries across the countr...

By |   Fundraising Brand Missions
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Study: Missions COVID Donor Analysis reveals key findings for road ahead

In a year of so much hardship, I know many of us in the rescue mission worl...

By |   COVID-19 Data & Analytics Missions
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How technology can help ‘fish’ for faith-based donors

When Jesus first began his search for disciples, he met a pair of fishermen...

By |   Missions

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