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The 2021 animal welfare benchmarks have arrived!

Like many other nonprofits, animal welfare organizations have had to adapt their fundraising programs over the last two years. However, unlike nonprofits focused on human services, animal welfare organizations didn’t necessarily experience the same influx of new donors during the pandemic.

Despite this, animal welfare organizations have still seen growth (you’ll see this in our 2021 Animal Welfare Benchmarks). Before we jump into the metrics, let’s discuss a few key things we’ve learned over the last year:

1. Animal welfare organizations are focused on sustainable growth

With the future in mind, animal welfare organizations who want to see sustainable growth are focusing on diversifying their revenue and channel mix to meet new donors where they are. Those that leaned into this are seeing more growth than those that shrunk their programs due to adversity.

2. They’re modernizing their stewardship programs

New technology has caused organizations to reassess and refocus their stewardship practices and how they thank new donors.

3. They’re building loyalty with sustainers

In times of uncertainty, having a consistent, reliable source of revenue can be a huge difference maker.

4. Digital investment is a priority

With digital accelerating at lightning speed, many animal welfare organizations are prioritizing the optimization of their digital programs.

With that being said, let’s take a look at the 2021 Animal Welfare Benchmarks:

Like the results in the video show, animal welfare organizations are experiencing steady, year-over-year growth. As revenue continues to climb and more and more donors retain, the next few years will be critical.

Contact us to see how your results stack up against other animal welfare organizations. 


David Miller

As Senior Vice President at RKD Group, David brings more than two decades of animal welfare experience to help organizations craft their fundraising strategies for success. Prior to joining RKD in 2011, David spent 14 years working at animal welfare organizations, including a stint as CEO at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League.

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