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Lisa Rossi

Lisa Rossi

Lisa has decades of experience working with animal welfare organizations. An accomplished fundraising strategist, Lisa helps our clients craft effective strategies that lead to growth and high-value donors.

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Rossi’s Roundup: Giving USA, economic data and a camera for scents

The dog days of summer have arrived with their heat, and once again we’ll s...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: What drives the heart, thanking donors, and scratch & sniff stamps

The second quarter of this year will be closing in a few weeks, and most ev...

By |   Trends Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: Grouchy sheep, benchmarks, digital reports and DAF

When was the last time you evaluated your donor engagement strategies and s...

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Rossi’s Roundup: Positive forecast for philanthropy is a breath of fresh air

I hope you are as thrilled as everyone who has seen or read the forecasted ...

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Rossi’s Roundup: Giving with purpose, DAF research and some spring cleaning

Congratulations on making it through the leap day, celebrating Facebook's 2...

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Rossi’s Roundup: A reminder that philanthropy is not about money

It’s been a rather confusing month as our news feeds have been filled with ...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: Welcome 2024! Hey 2023 … don't let the door slam on your way out.

I find it hard to believe we’ve crossed the threshold, but, hey, Happy New ...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi's Roundup: Make your list of December fundraising tasks—and check it twice

Hello, December, you lovely, largest fundraising month of the year, surroun...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi’s Roundup: Keeping calm amid economic and AI confusion

It’s been an interesting month as our calendars crossed into Q4. We’ve seen...

By |   Nonprofit Industry
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Rossi's Roundup: Consumer spending rises, but trust in nonprofits drops again

The media has been filling our feeds with stories on the government shutdow...

By |   Nonprofit Industry

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