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Glenn McKinney

Glenn McKinney

As Senior Vice President at RKD Group, Glenn McKinney works with faith-based organizations like rescue missions and life-transformation ministries to provide innovative mail, online, phone, research, major gifts and planned giving strategies for clients. A strong champion of RKD’s donor-centric philosophy, Glenn and his team consistently exceed clients’ fundraising goals.

Glenn has 23 years of experience in the mission space. He spent eight years working for two missions in New York -- New York City Rescue Mission and The Bowery Mission -- before moving to the agency side for the last 15 years.

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It’s time for missions to rethink donor journeys

What journey do you take your donors on? Is it different based on the audie...

By |   Faith
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The 2021 rescue mission benchmarks are in!

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed rescue missions in many ways...

By |   Trends Fundraising Faith
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Life transformation ministries must change to meet today’s donors

I wrote recently about how life transformation ministries across the countr...

By |   Fundraising Brand Faith
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Study: Missions COVID Donor Analysis reveals key findings for road ahead

In a year of so much hardship, I know many of us in the rescue mission worl...

By |   COVID-19 Data & Analytics Faith
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How technology can help ‘fish’ for faith-based donors

When Jesus first began his search for disciples, he met a pair of fishermen...

By |   Faith
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Ask and repeat: Is your stewardship model flawed?

Since I began my fundraising career more than 20 years ago, the holiday sea...

By |   Donor Retention Stewardship
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How missions are transforming their brands

The COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis impacted us all, but those experi...

By |   Strategy Brand Faith
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3 ways rescue missions can prepare for an economic downturn

Across the United States, people experiencing homelessness are the most exp...

By |   COVID-19 Multichannel Faith
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Changing attitudes toward religion are impacting faith-based fundraising

Does it seem like you’re rowing against the waves trying to reach donors? D...

By |   Trends Nonprofit Industry Faith

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