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Donors close out 2020 with impressive generosity

It’s no secret that nonprofit organizations saw record levels of response f...

By |   Fundraising Food Banks Year-End Giving Animal Care
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Giving Tuesday: Food bank donors step up again

Giving Tuesday 2020 is all wrapped up, and early indications show that it’s...

By |   Food Banks Giving Tuesday
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Food banks see 623% surge in new donors during COVID

We’ve known for some time that charitable giving to food banks has been off...

By |   COVID-19 Food Banks Data & Analytics
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Food banks: Planning ahead for the rest of 2020

We can all agree that 2020 has been a challenging year on many levels for n...

By |   Trends COVID-19 Multichannel Food Banks
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Food banks see record-breaking response on Giving Tuesday Now

For the last few months, the nonprofit community has been experiencing a sh...

By |   Digital Fundraising COVID-19 Food Banks Giving Tuesday
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Food banks, hospitals see increase in online donations during COVID-19

It’s been a few weeks since COVID-19 took the U.S. by storm. And as we all ...

By |   Digital Fundraising COVID-19 Food Banks
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Organizations adapt to provide food to those in need during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress, organizations that provide ...

By |   COVID-19 Multichannel Food Banks
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30 digital do's for food banks

EMAIL DO's You’re sending emails, but are they reaching full potential? Tip...

By |   Trends Optimization Digital Fundraising Strategy Food Banks
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Fundraising and disaster relief: Government shutdown edition

The government shutdown began December 22, 2018 and started to leave a sign...

By |   Trends Optimization Digital Fundraising Strategy Food Banks Humanitarian Aid

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