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Meet Vivian Borja from Food For The Poor

Vivian Borja shares her career journey from working in the for-profit secto...

By |   Podcast Humanitarian Aid
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How one nonprofit is tackling mental health

According to RKD’s 2023 study Solid Gold: The Nonprofit Marketer's Guide to...

By |   Multichannel Humanitarian Aid
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Shifting perception: How relief and development orgs can convert emergency donors

Many relief and development organizations have received unprecedented suppo...

By |   Strategy Fundraising Humanitarian Aid
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How to craft offers that move donors to give

Have you ever seen the episode of Seinfeld where George invents a charity c...

By |   Creative Humanitarian Aid
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Engaging the next generation: Global nonprofits are reaching younger donors through their children

Let’s face it—every nonprofit wants to reach younger donors.

By |   Humanitarian Aid
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20 do’s and don’ts for disaster preparedness

Disasters: they always seem to strike at the worst times—like when you’re o...

By |   Digital Fundraising Humanitarian Aid
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Digital allows nonprofits to move quickly in response to Texas winter storm

By now you’ve probably heard the slew of news stories and reports out of Te...

By |   Digital Fundraising Humanitarian Aid
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Learn how one nonprofit converted disaster donors to their mission

For nonprofit organizations on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic – f...

By |   COVID-19 Multichannel Data & Analytics Humanitarian Aid
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Using text messaging to reach donors during a disaster

As we’ve learned from past disasters, text messaging can be an extremely ef...

By |   COVID-19 Mobile Cultivation Humanitarian Aid
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Fundraising and disaster relief: Government shutdown edition

The government shutdown began December 22, 2018 and started to leave a sign...

By |   Trends Optimization Digital Fundraising Strategy Food Banks Humanitarian Aid

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